Hey y’all, I’ve gotta keep this quick as I’m swamped with work today, but wanted to let you know that COLONIES LOST is now available for pre-order on Amazon. I say this for two reasons:
- I know you guys have been waiting a while for your chance to score a copy, and
- If you pre-order now, you get the book for the reduced into price of $2.99!
Ya’ll know me, man. I’m all about saving a buck where I can, and these days I figure a lot of you are in the same boat. I hope this helps.
Also, for those wanting a paperback, you’ll have to wait a bit longer there. COLONIES LOST is currently under consideration for a review by Publisher’s Weekly, which requires a delay of the print run. As soon as I have a release date for the dead tree version, I’ll let you know.
Gotta jet, gang.
Cheers, and talk soon.