Hey y’all.
Just wanted to give a quick heads up that Colonies Lost is now available in paperback. You can purchase your copy on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Colonies-Lost-Ian-J-Malone/dp/1948051125/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1530900004&sr=8-1
Also, please be sure to leave the book a brief four or five-star review afterward if you felt the story deserved as much. This is enormously helpful to me.
You can leave your review in seconds at https://www.amazon.com/Colonies-Lost-Ian-J-Malone/product-reviews/1948051125/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_show_all_top?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews
Thank you as always, gang. Take care, and have a great weekend… Ian